
hi all welcome to mikwww! my very own internet web page. truly a childhood dream coming true here haha. i'm a french artist going to college next year who loves various media and listening to a lot of music.
this website is still developping and there are a bunch of things i want to have!! check out my to-do list to keep an eye on what i plan on adding here

to-do list

  • oc gallery
  • mood pixel art (sad, angry, silly)...
  • mikwww sona art
  • collection page
  • blog
  • log
  • not found page

updates log

june 15th 2024

created and updated the misc collection page
changed the h3 background colors to yellow

june 12th 2024

fixed a bug in the css that didn't display the log's style (border and text alignment)
created the collection page
created the manga collection page that can be found here.
fixed the browse collections navbar
added a work in progress page here!

june 11th 2024

created mikwww! added the to-do list, main page, main css code and chattable box
added the mood div pixel arts (bored, happy, silly, sad, angry)
added the page not found graphic (can be found here)

placeholder title

whatever bullshit i can put to fill this (like a bigass piece of art of my sona)